Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Today 4-1

One strange trend I am following, actually a multi-part trend. as activity is picking up, it seems every deal lately involves some sort of bank concession. That is good, banks are finally allowing people to explore options to sell homes short. At least in theory. They say they will explore the option, but getting there is in my experience a different story. One LARGE lender, that I will not name but is lets say, wide spread across the country, is simply a nightmare to work with on this type of sale. Now when any agent sees that the deal is a "possible short sale" the first question is: is it _____(that company?) The nightmare stories are too many to count. So I guess it is a good sign that they are allowing people the option more to do so, but I hope it is not just lip service to appease the federal money coffers. I have a side story on my other BLOG on that story go here to read

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